Financial Myth about smart kids are always successful no matter how they start out

There is a financial myth that smart kids are always successful no matter how they start out or what their upbringing may be. When I was growing up, I knew plenty of very high IQ kids that didn’t have the proper preparation during their childhood and turned out not being very successful in life.  Perhaps […]
The post Financial Myth about smart kids are always successful no matter how they start out

100K in Five Years Challenge Update 2013-12-10

Boo, additional constraints have been encountered with this 100k in five years challenge! Apparently, since my friend who I am working with on this challenge, is so young, he qualifies for something called Kiddie Taxes.  Basically, what this means is that after around $2,000 in unearned income (this is for year 2013), my friend will […] The post […] Read more:  100K in Five Years Challenge Update 2013-12-10

529 Plan Tips

We have two 529 college saving plans for our kids. After a rocky start, we are now doing “okay” with them, so I thought I’d provide some 529 tips based on my experiences to help make your 529 plan the best that it can be. If you trust them, have a grandparent of your children […] The post 529 Plan Tips

What is a Stock?

What is a stock? A stock is a share of ownership in a company! Normally, when people say that they own stocks, what they are really referring to is “common stocks“.  Why would I want to own shares of common stock?  There are two primary advantages of owning common stock: Capital Appreciation – This means […] The post What is a Stock?